About Us

From left to right: John Simon, VP of Operations; Rusty Ortkiese, VP of Technology and Business Systems; Chad Capps, President and CEO; Stacy Shull, VP of Sales & Supplier Relations; Jennifer Howell, Director of HR and Loss Control; Ronnie Taylor, VP of Finance

CEEUS is a member-owned electrical supplier for the Electrical Cooperatives of South Carolina. Our mission is to efficiently and effectively supply our electric coops with the materials and equipment needed for a job well done.

Electrical Cooperatives in South Carolina benefit from having one central buyer for all electrical supplies and materials. Instead of buying their own supplies, CEEUS leverages buying power by purchasing all materials and offering them at a more cost-effective price point to the individual cooperatives.

CEEUS also supplies Personal Protective Equipment testing and tool repair, ensuring electric coops are operating under all OSHA safety standards and requirements. Our job is to not only ensure the efficiency of a job, but the safety of the ones performing the task.

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